Stay ahead to lead in the future.
Companies that sit still, stagnate. Companies that grow and do the hard work of transformation are able to meet challenges and change head on. From Blue Ocean to Blue Chip, growth and adaptation is necessary at all levels. History is littered with brands that were unable or unwilling to adapt.
PROAKTIV® works with our clients to ensure they have the skills and insights to meet the challenges they face. Our training in leadership includes Agile Transformation and organisational change and transformation workshops. In particular, we develop custom facilitated workshops for senior leadership to develop strategies to grow. Sessions include understanding the challenges, formulating plans to grow and change, and starting the hard work of communicating. Whether it’s a formal training program or a dynamic facilitated leadership workshop, working with PROAKTIV® is a powerful way to stay ahead of change.
Fragile to Agile
Whether your organisation is Agile, or just needs to be more agile, this program is ideal for leaders who want to take the best of one of the most dynamic and interesting project management concepts and transform their personal leadership. Agile Project Management developed as a way to create in a dynamic environment. How do you start to build an app or software, when you don’t even know how the end product will look? Over the years, it became a standard for how to manage and adapt our responses to changes in the environment.
Soon, it was also recognised that this approach to managing products can help us learn a lot about how to manage people. If your company uses Agile as a methodology, this program will help you understand Agile so that managing your people becomes seamless and integrated into your company’s workings. It also works for leaders and managers in non-Agile companies, who simply want to borrow the best, learn how to deal with change, work iteratively, and lead in a way that younger colleagues instinctively understand.

Transformation Workshops
When you are faced with organisational, customer or market challenges, it is critical to assemble the best minds in your organisation and develop strategy as a team. This is a luxury that many organisations do not afford themselves. But it is critical. PROAKTIV® partners with our clients to put together management and leadership retreats and strategy sessions, facilitated by our trainers and coaches.

Executive Coaching
We know that for companies to unlock their potential, the leaders and people who work there have to unlock their potential too. In conjunction with our training programs or standalone engagements, 1 on 1 executive coaching is a powerful transformational tool to help further unlock people’s potential.